Category: Tech
Notes: Floppy drive information
To have the 5-1/4 floppy disk drive to work with HD formatted disks, here were the jumpers that need changed. This is a Newtronics / Mitsumi Model D509V3 Floppy drive for 5.25″ disks. This drive works with the Feather & Greaseweazle project hardware and software. I was trying to capture flux images on some of…
Read MoreTrinket Pro Humidity and Temperature Sensor for Your Desk
So, I wanted to measure the temperature and humidity in my office. Typically, a simple hygrometer and thermometer could work. But, how do you log the information? Paper and pencil? What happens when I am away? So, in this project we wire up a small micro-controller, temperature and humidity sensor, screen, and a micro-SD card…
Read MoreMacBook Pro Battery Life, 1 Year Old
About a year ago, my workhorse computer started to die. As its screen dimmed and voltage regulators started screaming, it was time to replace it. Yes, my always-on, number crunching, Fujitsu Lifebook Tablet started to give out (after its 5th battery, 2nd fan, 3rd hard drive and 2nd set of ram – all easy to replace). So, I…
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